Certain household remedies preserve the natural shimmer and freshness of your pure skin, because pure skin means a piece of quality of life, you look self-confident and satisfied. Your charisma is reflected in the eyes of your environment.
These five home remedies will help you to preserve the beauty and purity of your skin.
The beauty and wellness program for your home caresses your soul at the same time.
The pampering program relaxes and makes you happy. Treat yourself if you feel like it and plan a certain regularity as well. Gently acting household remedies, the ingredients of which can be found in almost every household, naturally ensure pore-deep purity and care.
Here are our tips for gentle basic cleaning!
Take a relaxing steam bath
A steam bath for the face opens the pores and makes the facial skin more receptive to care substances. The addition of chamomile blossoms is popular. The ingredients of the aromatic medicinal plant have the ability to stimulate the skin metabolism. They also have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This also benefits your respiratory system.
This is how it works: Fill a large, stable pot about two-thirds full with water, bring to the boil. Add a large handful of chamomile flowers or about four tea bags. Then hold the face with closed eyelids over the steam for about ten minutes. Cover the head and the pot like a tent with a large towel. If the steam seems too hot at first, you can regulate the ascending amount with a pot lid.
A peeling of milk and sugar gives you a clear, radiantly healthy complexion.
DIY: Your gentle peeling
Mix a little milk and plenty of sugar to a thick mush. Use on damp skin. You can use this peeling for face and body. It removes dry skin flakes and provides a clear, radiantly healthy complexion. After exfoliation, rinse thoroughly and apply cream. If your skin is sensitive, you can also use olive oil instead of milk. Try out how often you want to use the peeling. First use it once a week. Depending on your skin feeling, you can then increase it to two to three times a week.
Make cleansing facial tonic with a simple household remedy
This clarifying toner helps you to stabilize the natural acid mantle on the upper skin layer. Use regularly for thorough cleansing after removing make-up.
Stir a tablespoon of cider vinegar into a glass of water. Use it to moisten a cosmetic pad or a cotton swab and stroke it over the face, starting on the forehead – avoiding the mouth and eye area.
Pampering with home remedies – Tips for intensive masks
Take your time for yourself. This promotes relaxation and well-being, it contributes to a positive quality of life. Homemade face masks tailored to your needs offer intensive care. They can tighten the upper skin layers and keep them smooth and supple at the same time. After the steam bath, your facial skin is particularly receptive to the caring substances.
The Aloe Vera Mask – super easy if you own this beautiful houseplant
Cut off a thick leaf from the plant and squeeze or scrape out the gel. It is ready for immediate application as a mask. The gel has a moisturising and healing effect. Therefore it is also recommended for sunburn. You don’t have to take this mask off again, you can let it absorb completely.
Protein masks, matting, firming and smoothing
Basic recipe: Beat the egg whites with a fork until slightly foamy (not stiff) and apply evenly to the face with a brush. Save eyebrows, eyes and mouth. Leave on for ten to 20 minutes, for example during a relaxing bath, then rinse off with warm water and apply cream.
Variation 1: Add a few drops of lemon juice. This refines the pores.
Variation 2: Mix the egg whites with a teaspoonful of liquid honey. Honey has a skin-clarifying, calming and antibacterial effect.
Beautiful skin with the right diet
Beautiful skin anyone can have. With a healthy diet you have the possibility to influence the largest organ of your body, the skin has about a surface of two square meters. Over two billion skin cells perform vital tasks that can only function smoothly with a balanced electrolyte balance and a healthy intestinal flora. Visit becomegorgeous.com and learn more how to make your skin shine with high-quality food.